Sunday, November 8, 2009


Ethan has been picking up lots of new words lately, especially in the past month or so. We marvel at his ability to take in new sights, sounds, touch and tastes every day; basically we're amazed at his enormous propensity to learn! He's always exploring - touching, prodding, poking, throwing, spinning, examining, picking, patting, pushing, pulling and tasting (ok, this one we're not so wild about). His excitement and joy in exploring and discovering new things each day simply amazes me. There's a lot adults can learn from children in this respect. :)

Thought I'll just record down the words (besides daddy, mummy etc) Ethan can say so far. Here goes:

bye bye, cup, ball, cold, nana (banana), car, bear, star, pat-pat, wet, walk, please, go, no, bread (no surprises here), milk, flower, tree, grapes, cloud, cross, me, Amen, bus, apple, thirty (cos that's the floor that we live on), two (which the waitress at Thai Express taught him), baby, comb, peach, nose, eye, toes, spoon, key, cartoon, pen, cat, pear, button, bag, belt, albert (alphabet), man, blanket, circle, square, bubbles, up, down, press, keep, plants, kick, step, windmill, raining, so pretty, arrow, airplane, turtle, duck, moon, exercise, fish, orange, shark, rabbit, cheese, sleep, open, close, exit, leaves, penguin, train, water, yogurt, jump, book, tear, tongue, bottle, zhu (as in Mandarin for pig), bao bao (as in Mandarin for carry).

Ok, that's all I can recall for now! :)


gemz said...

he can say 'out' too!! :p


eleanor said...

ahh... that's right. I forgot about that. :)

Sodium-squared said...

so amazing!
and "so pretty, so pretty ah!"

Unknown said...

Eh! The word 'comb" was taught to him by me!! Hahaha.. pls state down the acknowledgement accordingly :p Thank you.

angeline said...

Wow he sure can say lots of words!! so clever! :)

Olivia said...

EH!!! Ethan and Angelia's little boy - Zee Peng look alike here!!!

eleanor said...

hi Olivia! now that you've pointed it out, they do look alike here! :)