Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Most Disagreeable Day

It's 7.40pm now and I've already put ethan to bed so as to put an end to this most disagreeable day. I think he must have woken up from the wrong side of his bed (even though there is really only one side to wake up from - the one that is not facing the wall) because he was really grouchy the whole morning, the whole afternoon and the whole evening (until 7.20pm that is). So it has been essentially the entire day that he has been moody. Took much persuasion to get him to take his morning nap; woke up shortly. Utterly refused to take his afternoon nap - cried and wailed, threw everything out of his cot. Wanted to eat everything in the house except what I cooked for him - spits food out, flings food around. Demands "Bread, ah, bread!" throughout the day. Cries when put down in cot, cries when put down on my bed with me, cries when I put him down in his room to play with his toys, stares at me blankly for a while and then cries when I say in exasperation to him "Ethan! Mummy doesn't know what you want!". He flings his duplo harder when told not to fling it at all, grabs the dirty wheels of his pram at least 5 times so I have to heave him to the toilet to wash his hands 5 times, crawls around the house and switches on all the switches including the one for the iron (yup, HDB now caters for homeowners who are very very short), turns the dvd player on and off at least 20 times. Doesn't want to read his books, doesn't want to play with his toys, doesn't want to sleep. I think the one thing he probably would have wanted to do was to eat bread, which I already gave him. I can't possibly keep giving him bread the entire day, no?

I think towards the end of the day he was just really tired so the best thing to do was to put him to bed. Well, he's asleep now after much crying and wailing. I think I'm going to look for some really really dark chocolate..


amelia thinks said...

CHOCOLATE!! I seem to be ending the days with chocolate nowadays...sometimes even during the day!

dreamer said...

tomorrow, we hope, will be a better day...

such things happen sometimes to elaine also. at the end of such days, she look for me.

Serene Lew said...

*hugs* Hope today was a very agreeable day :)

gemz said...

poor thing. sounds like wad gab is doing to us these two days too. Yup, have more chocolates. I take them every other hour sometimes =x

Sodium-squared said...

patz for mummy.. jiayou!

maybe can start looking into starting up a niche market selling chocolates for moms.. :)
oh well, i don't mind some myself too! hahah.

Unknown said...

The jb food looks extremely mouth watering.. yum yum!