Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sleeping Through the Night & The many Faces of Ethan

Ethan is officially 2 months old now. 2 amazing things to note so far.

The first amazing thing is that roughly around 5 weeks, he started sleeping through the night! Thank God. In fact, he sleeps from 9pm plus to 5.30 to 6.30am plus without waking (ok, maybe he wakes up but mummy and daddy doesn't hear him but that is unlikely since mummy is a light sleeper).

The longest he recorded was an 11 hr marathon sleep that lasted from 8 pm to 7 am. The amazing thing is sometimes he sleeps throughout the day but still manages to sleep through the night!

Both mummy and daddy are afraid that we might jinx this whole "sleep through the night" thing if we go around telling others.

Sometimes, I am almost afraid other parents might punch us when they hear about it.

The next amazing thing we have noticed is that Ethan looks very different lying down and being propped up. When he is lying down, he looks like this neckless baby with cheeks that look quite chubby/fat When propped up, his cheeks start to droop down and he looks like a little hound dog.

But sometimes when he is propped up.. he looks like a gremlin instead.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

I look like a Girl?

The family was taking the lift one day when an old auntie exclaimed to us: "Wa, hen duo tou fa ah" (basically means your baby has a lot of hair in Chinese).

Me and El just smiled politely back and said "yah lor". (I tried to hide behind El just in case the old auntie figured out who the culprit was in passing the hairy genes to him).

She then continued: "Nu de hor?" (meaning " girl right?" in Chinese)....

My baby boy mistaken for a baby girl? Okay, it wasn't the first time. It has happened a few times already. But at this age, I thought he already looks unmistakably like a boy boy. Looks like I was wrong.

Seriously.. Ethan makes an ugly baby girl.. He also burps and passes gas too loudly to be one. In fact, if he was a baby girl, I would be traumatized. Look at him and then compare with cute little Ashley.

Maybe its time to cut his hair...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Burp Me

These pictures were taken sometime back.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Special Efffects

Enjoying Bathtime

Ethan Enjoying his bath time.

I am 6 weeks old already

Around 6 weeks old. Weighting 4.9kg (total weight gain of 1.7kg)
Words I have been learning since I was born: "Hello", "Hi"
No. of times I poo a day: 1-2
No. of Night time feeds : 0 (sleeps from 8pm to 5 am nowadays)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I shall not sleep

Battling the Zzzzzz Monster

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Skin is better now

1 month celebrations

At a family dinner for Ethan's one month.

With Grand aunt SK

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ethan's Rashy face

The 2 Js meet for the first time

This is a video of Ethan's cousins meeting for the first time. The older one is Janelle and the younger one is Janine

Monday, September 1, 2008

Of Pimples, Allergies and Rash

Poor Ethan was suffering from a rash for the past few days. At first we thought it was just pimples due to the hormones in the breastmilk as we have read about it before. But it just seemed to get worse and worse.

Visited the pediatrician on Monday and the pediatrician said that he was allergic to maybe cow's milk, dairy products, eggs, soy, wheat, fur and almost what seems to be everything under the sun. So mummy has to stay away from all those. Formula milk must also be the hypoallergen(?) kind.

Well, he is much better already after applying some of the prescribed cream to all his itchy spots.

Oh, and he managed to sleep for 8 hours through last night!