I love breakfast time, lunch time, afternoon tea time, dinner time and supper time! If I spot you holding a banana, apple, bread or a bowl with a spoon in it, you become my best friend in the world. Sometimes, i crawl under the dining table just to be sure that the floor is free from any crumbs but I never find anything cos Mummy keeps the floor clean, too clean in my opinion..
I love to pull out my books from the shelf and fling them on the floor for easier reading. I try to read ALL my books at least twice a day which explains why I pull out ALL my books from the shelf each time and scatter them all over the floor. I don't understand why Mummy bothers to put them back each time. I like to be read the same book repeatedly so beware, once you start, there's no turning back.
Play Time
I love to play with things like my windmill and my cup. I like things that spin and that I can throw around and make a lot of noise with. I spend a lot of my time playing.
Nap Time
I still need my pacifier to help me get to sleep though Mummy has been trying to wean me off it by taking it out of my mouth once she thinks I'm sleeping. But sometimes I know when she does that and will protest till she pops in back again. I take 2 naps in a day.
Oh, I do enjoy my TV time. I like to watch the DVDs that Daddy and Mummy borrow from the Queenstown library. I am currently watching Baby Einstein's Baby Galileo which is about things in the sky. I overheard Mummy attempting some of the quiz questions during the DVD Bonus Material segment and she got many of the answers wrong. Mummy, if you keep giving Pluto as the answer for every picture of a planet, of course you will get one correct! Tsk Tsk...
Bath Time
I look forward to my baths which I get twice a day; once after lunch and another after dinner. I like to splash about until the kitchen floor and Mummy are wet and till there is a layer of foam in my bath water.
I look forward to my baths which I get twice a day; once after lunch and another after dinner. I like to splash about until the kitchen floor and Mummy are wet and till there is a layer of foam in my bath water.
So these are my favourite times of the day. Come to think of it, they make up my entire day, everyday! Thank God for a wonderful life! :)
so cuteeeeeeeeee!
what a life. I'd like that too! hahah..
maybe mummy should do her version of her fav times of the day too! (how about getting all wet from baby bathwater? heh. sounds fun!)
sweetest entry of the year! looking forward to seeing him on 1st august! :)
hey jo! ahaha.. yah, good life... hey, that's an idea! But i will need to teach ethan to take photos of me first but chances are that he will fling the camera around (refer to para on Play Time). haha..:)
sz, yup! looking forward to seeing you then too!
i love this entry! Hey, eleanor, maybe u can consider writing kids' books! I really enjoyed reading it! =)
heh.. thanks rebekah! It was fun looking for the various pictures and writing it up. :) Wanted to record what he does on a typical day so that we can look back at it next time. :)
Sounds like Ethan's having a very good life! Really well-written and I esp like the part about reading books. Haha. As for weaning off pacifier, I still haven't managed to wean Janine off though she's already 18 months old!
hi angeline, haha.. ok, i dun feel so bad then. :)
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