At 10 months:
It is amazing how much ethan has grown over the past 10 months. We marvel at how he is so fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We also marvel at how faithful and gracious God has been to our family in the past 10 months, providing for us, giving us strength for each day and also leading and guiding us in understanding and obeying His will for us in our lives. A short 10 months ago, Benjamin, myself and Ethan were in vastly different places, doing vastly different things from now. We thank God for His providence and also for opening the various doors for us. We look forward to learn what He has in store for us. :)
Some things about Ethan at 10 months:
- He has 8 teeth now and can cause grievous hurt to human flesh. He is very cute and sweet but whatever you do, never let him bite you not even when he says "please" (which he can't anyway).
- He can crawl faster than his parents run to get to daddy's shoes.
- He looks much more dignified going under the tight space beneath the study table than his daddy or mummy look when they try to do the same to get him out.
- His favourite food: banana, apple, weet bix, mango, toasted oats, grapes, bread, cheese, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, tofu, macaroni, beef, salmon, sweet potato, pumpkin, kiwi, milk, spinach, rice, cod fish, yoghurt, pear, green peas, potato, egg, tomato, red peppers.
- His favourite Bible verse: "Let them give thanks to the LORD for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."
Ps 107:9
-He claps his hands when he's happy or, when you sing "If we're happy and you know it" and when you speak excitedly to him. Unfortunately, he also claps when you scold him at times.
He'll be one in two months' time! :)
Congrats Eleanor...its also a milestone for you as a new mummy!
That's so fast!!! Ethan is such a handsome happy young prince : ) Congrats! Soon, he can help me babysit and play with little Gab! Heh Heh Heh!
Thanks melia! The support that I have from the mums' BS has really been an encouragement to me. :)
hey germaine! Gab will reach there all too quickly...ethan can play with little Gab but i think he cannot babysit, unless you mean sit on baby Gab... haha.. ok, not funny...come over when you feel like it ok? or we can go out!
Hey Ben!!
I'm really happy for u n ur family man! It was a wonderful and sweet blog entry... take care and God will continue to lead u in His path! =)
Kenneth Kuo
Hi Kenneth,
Thanks for dropping by!
Do drop by often even though we dun update this blog that often =)
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