Monday, February 14, 2011


It has been about 1.5 months since ethan started school. After the initial separation anxiety which consisted of moist eyes and some apprehension (I, not him) and loud wailing and tight clinging (this would be him) which lasted abt 3 days, he took off beautifully. I don't quite remember myself going off to school each day with such anticipation, except perhaps for the time when I had my eyes on a certain boy with initials B.K. in school many years ago.. :)

Anyway, every weekday, ethan wakes up at about 7.30am, has breakfast, brushes his teeth, wears his school uniform and carries his schoolbag ready to leave for school by 8.15am. (That's the good thing about going to a school just around the corner. If ethan wakes up late, we can still get to school on time by leaving home just 5 mins before school starts by carrying him and running very fast). Ben and I will walk ethan to school, drop him off at the main door at which he'll give each of us a big hug and trot off happily to class. Then Ben will walk to the MRT to catch the train to work while I go marketing/go home to do some work/go eat breakfast somewhere/go to the Botanic Gardens for some exercise depending on which day of the week it is.

Ethan has been learning quite a bit at school, like the days of the week and some Chinese words , phrases and songs. Just yesterday while I was trying to put him to nap, he suddenly recited a poem to me in great earnestness:

Some families are big
Some families are small
But I love my family the best of all.

Then he said I love you Mummy and smothered me with many wet, smelly kisses. :)


dreamer said...

I didn't know you had eyes on Beng Kang many years ago! But I like the initials.... make me think of MacDonald's....

eleanor said...

Beng Kang si xiang? Mai sabo leh...

But BK's fave fast food is KFC actually. Haha...

Unknown said...

Such a sweet, endearing entry :) Reading about Ethan and your thoughts on bringing this kiddo up never fails to put a smile on my face!

eleanor said...

Hi sz!

That's nice to hear. :) See you soon!


angeline said...

hahaha this is such a sweet and funny entry! I can understand the tears bit from you because I was crying sending Janelle off to school too! haha :)